Sunday, August 23, 2009

New Pictures

I got a few pictures from my friend Heather's camera. They are in the album called "Fish and Fishing." The pictures of me in the trap catching/holding the salmon are from one of the weirs in Soldotna that the office uses to monitor the Chinook run. The run is over now, but it was pretty busy for a while. Sampling scales from salmon; just one of the random skills I have picked here.

I also got some more pictures from fishing in Seward. I can see why people like to go fishing to relax. It was a god day to sit, and be with your thoughts.

I have more pictures here:

Friday, August 14, 2009

I think I finally fixed the link to my pictures. If not, it is

I haven't had any new pictures to add recently, though.

The end is near

I am still here. Not a lot has been going on lately. I went to Homer the last two Saturdays to work at the Islands and Ocean Visitor Center in their discovery lab. The best part of that was getting to go to the Mermaid Cafe next door. It has the best coffee in Alaska and a cool used bookstore where I found a Flannery O'Connor book with a peacock cover. I am stock piling books for the long winter which is apparently approaching fast. Alaskan legend says that when the top flowers on the Fireweed bloom summer is done and fall has arrived. I took this picture about a month ago...

and this one today...

It doesn't look good for summer.

Hopefully I will get a chance to get in a few more summer activities before it slips away...

Monday, August 3, 2009

I'm published...kinda