Monday, February 1, 2010

Just a short walk on the beach...

Dan and I thought that we were going to be having an easy Sunday by skipping our usual hike on the refuge to go for a walk on the beach.  First of all, we should have known our walk was doomed from the start when we couldn't get to the beach from the parking lot because of the lake of melting ice slush blocking our way.  Then it might have been a hint when we were walking towards trouble when we had to keep on getting closer and closer to the water because all of sand on the bluff side of us was covered in massive ice chunks.  But really we would have been okay if we had just paid attention to how fast the tide started coming in.  Ok, so actually our timing wouldn't have been that bad if it wasn't for all that ice.  While we started out having a great walk on the beach, we ended up slipping and sliding our way back while the water crept closer and closer, and our walk ended with a climb...up the side of the bluff.  oops.  I didn't remember my camera which is too bad because it was a beautifully clear day and we could see all the mountains across the inlet, but I do have proof of our trip...

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